DIY gardenwedding in a barn

Verena & Michi

There’s this ONE gardenwedding that has really earned the characteristic „Do-it-yourself“: And it’s the wedding of Verena and her Michael. So much is revealed: The bride was running around with several avocados in her hands during her getting ready. So her relatives could prepare the Guacamole!

But now from the beginning. Verena and Michael got married in the garden of an old barnyard in Maria Jeutendorf in Lower Austria. The rustic yard (or what we call in Austria „urig“) has a wonderful garden and a very old press room for fruit wine. There was an old press room with its wine press and a connected white tent, which built the location for the dinner and the party. And in addition the decoration was do-it-yourself of Verena – or like she wrote in the mail: in cooperation with Pinterest. With filigree glass water bottles, delicate light chains and wild flowers. Also the menu was created by herself. Therefore the cook is a cousin of her father. So everything they needed for the catering (like the tableware, ingedrients or also the waiters) they organised by themselves. Wow, right!?

Verena is also one of very few brides that created and baked the wedding cake by herself! The cake had several tiers, like dark Sacher cake with homemade apricot jam of her sister-in-law, and white Sacher cake with buttercream and raspberry-curd-filling. She used figs for decoration that she harvested in her godmothers garden. Above all, to show you that there can’t be more „homemade“: Michi made the wooden board for the cake also by himself!

The stationery was created by a graphic designer, completely after the ideas of Verena and Michi. After they got his graphics, they designed their menu cards, the guest book and the cards for their wish tree. And also the story of the rings is wonderful. A goldsmith made the rings out of the old gold of their deceased grandparents‘ wedding rings.

So, at the wedding day itself, after Verena ran around with the avocados, bride and groom met themselves for the first time in their garden. As it started raining, we went into a greenhouse with tomatoes. Michi is a farmer for local, seasonal and awesome vegetables via Grünzeug vom Feld.

In the heaviest rain we went to the barnyard where their beloves ones already waited. They said YES to each other unter some kind of Chuppa (for sure selfmade!). I had an umbrella in one hand, the camera in the other… I think it looked kind of funny, taking the photos like this. And fore sure I had wet socks until I got home nevertheless.

Thank you Verena and Michi, that I was your photographer for this very special day, for your absolutely stunning gardenwedding. It was a very special wedding for me aswell! I loved to shoot with you and be with you and all your beloved ones.

DIY gardenwedding in Lower Austria

Location: Old barnyard in Maria Jeutendorf in Lower Austria, Flowers: Alexandra Starkl, Bridal dress: Rembo Styling via Atelier 7, Cape: das cape mädchen, Bridal shoes: Valentino, Hair & Makeup: Amira Denic, Suit: Cinque, Rings: Goldschmiedin Andrea Kamleithner, Papeterie: Bernhard Kettner, Decoration: DIY of Verena, Catering: The menu was Verenas own creation, Cake: DIY of Verena with homemade apricot jam of her sister-in-law and figs of her godmothers garden, Fotobooth: Lukas Roucka