A photoshooting at the Old Danube in the evening light has been on my mind for at least a year or two. In the middle of August I packed my motivation and Nina, my assistant Julia and I set off on a perfect evening just before the „golden hour“. Nina was already a model at our „Human Beings“ – photoshooting, where she made a beautiful bride next to Malaika and Rania.
And what should I say? I am incredibly happy that we did this shoot together. Am I exaggerating when I say that I had goosebumps during taking the photos? The light was perfect and created a different mood from minute to minute. Sometimes there was almost a white reflection of the sky in the water, sometimes it was dark blue. A perfect transition from the golden to the blue hour. It went perfectly with the idea behind the shoot. Silence, gentleness and yet an insane charisma from Nina.
Thanks to you at this point, Nina – I know how cold it was with the wind at the end! And also to Julia, with whom I did the photo shoot together. Hopefully she will show her photos somewhere soon;)